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U.S. Census 2010
Los Angeles County
Grand Jury
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Demographics of the Civil Grand Jury


Demographics of the Civil Grand Jury


The selection of the Criminal Grand Jury is accomplished through the computer process that is used to select the names of potential jurors gathered for the regular petit jury pool.


The selection of the Civil Grand Jury is based upon a process which solicits applicants who volunteer for this service or are directly nominated by a Superior Court judge. Volunteer applicants are solicited from a broad spectrum of county residents through contacts with civic organizations, local government agencies, and other similar sources. The recruitment of volunteer applicants is an on-going process enlisting various means including media releases, mail solicitation and advertisements.

Click below to see the demographic details associated with each civil grand jury impaneled by the Court since 2007.


Contact Info

L.A. County Criminal Grand Jury
210 West Temple Street, Rm 13-303
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Telephone: (213) 628-7962

L.A. County Civil Grand Jury
222 South Hill Street, Suite 670
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Telephone: (213) 893-0411